Penwortham Mill Development
Penny Anderson Associates Ltd was contracted in 2003 to carry out a suite of ecological surveys and associated work at Penwortham Mill, Preston, in advance of a proposed development of an allocated Greenfield site south of the River Ribble. Originally intended as a mixed use development, the final planning application was for housing only.
As well as a habitat assessment of the entire site, a suite of surveys was undertaken for protected species including those for bats, great crested newts (GCN), breeding birds, otter, water vole and badger.
The site presented complex issues with regard to bats, which were roosting in a number of buildings and it was important to determine the status of roosts to inform the appropriate level of mitigation for any loss. Ongoing vandalism and theft at the former factory site meant that an EPS licence, in respect of bats, on health and safety grounds, needed to be applied for pre-planning. This was to allow for the lawful removal of valuable materials from the buildings that contained bat roosts. Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) support was provided during demolition of the buildings to check for breeding birds and ensure that bats would not be adversely affected by works
There was also a Local Wildlife Site LWS) within the site and it was necessary to put in place mitigation measures to prevent damage to the LWS as a result of the development and to promote its positive management in the future. Further habitat related compensation measures included the creation of two new wildlife ponds and the enhancement of an existing hedgerow.
The project required working closely with the client and the multi-disciplinary team of consultants, particularly with regard to the pre-application demolition issues in respect of bats and birds.
For more information on our work at Penwortham Mill, please contact us, or feel free to browse the following related service web pages: