Expert Witness and Public Inquiry Support

Planning appeals, (large and complex or small and simple), local plan inquiries, expert evidence in court cases, House of Lords committees – you may be faced with any of these to present evidence for or against a proposal or for a judgement on an event. Penny Anderson Associates Ltd. (PAA) can help you in these situations with the right kind of support and assistance.

Expert Witness EcologyPlanning Inquiries
Senior staff at PAA have extensive experience of all kinds of planning inquiries from small round the table appeals with Local Authorities to complex inquiries with multiple work streams and many proofs of evidence submitted. We have covered ecological aspects of schemes (species and habitats), covering hydrological, soil, earth science, water pollution control issues, and the effects of a wide range of activities from recreational impacts to large scale development. Some examples are:

  • Terminal 5, Heathrow.
  • Housing development (Scotland and England).
  • Quarry sites (upland and lowland).
  • Stansted Airport development to 15 million passengers per annum.
  • Runway 2 at Manchester Airport.
  • Multifunctional schemes mixing recreation, housing and commercial projects.

Local Inquiries
We have prepared and presented evidence in support of Local Authorities and commercial clients at Local Inquiries into allocations of particular plots for certain types of development or for nature conservation functions within the local plan framework. The support we provide covers representation and presentations at examinations in public, local meetings, Local Inquiries and other forums. We have provided support for a number of local authorities in the development of their Local Plans and nature conservation strategies as well.

Ecology Public EnquiryHouse of Lords Committees
Where development proceeds through an Act of Parliament, the equivalent of a Public Inquiry is held in Parliament. We have contributed to the Heathrow Express and a new Fire and Ambulance station for London through this channel.

Evidence in Court
We have provided expert witnesses for a number of subjects that have arisen in court cases and provided expert opinions in connection with such cases. Examples include un-consented works on moorlands, issues associated with protected species and water pollution incidences.

For more details on our services relating to
Expert Witness and Public Inquiry Support,
please contact us